Fourth panel: Outlook for Arab Stock Exchanges
Fourth panel: Outlook for Arab Stock Exchanges
• Derivatives markets, central counterparty (CCPs), and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
• Promoting foreign investment and facilitating KYC entry and exit policies.
• Alternative Financing: Crowdfunding, Peer 2 Peer Lending: What’s the effect on stock exchanges?
• Enhancing trading transparency and access to high-quality data.
• How does Islamic finance contribute to supporting the development of financial markets?
• How technology enhance the future development of Arab stock exchanges?
Moderator: Michael Grifferty – President – Gulf Capital Market
₋ Sylvain Bigaud - Regional Head Middle East, Africa & Turkey – Euroclear
₋ Nandini Sukumar – CEO - World Federation of Exchanges
₋ Dr. Konstantin Saroyan - Secretary General - Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges
₋ Dr. Ahmad Tarablsi - PhD | MSc | CIPA | CSAA - AAOIFI (ERC) Board Member